iRecy Mulco App

iRecy Mulco App

Data Privacy Policy iRecy Mulco App

In addition to our homepage, we also provide the iRecy Mulco App for the Android and iOS operating systems, which can be downloaded and installed on your devices. In this document, in addition to our Privacy Policy, we inform you about the processing of personal data when using our Apps.

1.Location data

This app requires location access in the background. After login, when this app is running this app collects location data and sends it to your traffic dispatcher. This also happens when the app is running in the background. Based on your current location, it will tell you whether you have reached or left your destination, the scales at which it is located, the container, location, etc.
The app collects the location data when is running in the foreground or in the background and when the driver is logged in only. If the driver is logged out, the app will not collect any location data.

2.Download from our homepage

When downloading the Android Apps from our homepage, data is collected that is already listed in our privacy policy.

3.Usage data

When downloading the iRecy Mulco App, different data is collected by the respective app store operator, depending on the app store. These are usually user name for the App Store, e-mail address, customer number, individual device ID. We have no influence on this data processing. If you have any questions, please contact the respective App Store operator. We only process the following information from the App Stores:

  • Number of downloads

  • Reviews

During the use of the apps, all data is processed via your servers. Access to this data is only granted in the course of our support contracts.

4.Crash Report

To optimize the stability and reliability of our apps, we use anonymous crash reports. If you expressly agree to the transmission of the data when the app crashes, our service provider HockeyApp (a company of Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA) will send us the crash data for evaluation. The crash reports contain no personal data and no log files. All data will be deleted after 90 days. The following data is transmitted in the crash reports:

  • Version of the App

  • Date and time of the crash

  • Device information such as model, manufacturer, etc. (no serial number / IMEI)

  • Operating System Version

  • Stack trace to the crash

You can review HockeyApp's privacy policy at https://www.hockeyapp.net/imprint/.

5.Support E-Mails

From the app you can send us the error logs and the current cache database of the app. You can view all transmitted data in your e-mail program beforehand. This data will only be used for error analysis and correction within the scope of the support contract and will be deleted afterwards.

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